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MILF Buddies is a casual dating site for older women (cougars) who love to fuck younger guys

Lucy, 39

Somerset West

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It's beautifull when you find someone that is in love with your mind.Someone that wants to undress your conscience and make love to your thoughts.Someone that wants to watch you slowly take down all the walls you've built up around your mind and let them inside... I am on a quest if you will... Maybe strange on this site but changing the "platform" does not change the person and what is in your heart and mind as a man weather its on a sex site or a dating site I love making love and is a full supporter of tantra or tantric sex. This is more involved that just the wham bam kind of encounter. I love fairy tales and mystery. I am a lover and not a fighter. I believe making love is the bond that holds a relationship together its a beautifull union of body mind and soul and its very important that 2 people satisfy eachother physically mentally and emotionally Its a wonderfull gift to be shared and to bind and entertwine two lovers together I know most encounters here is meant to be NSA but i know there is someone out there that share my feelings about this human interaction someone that think like me that want to experience an elumination of the soul something much more than what just the flesh can offer When you read this it will resonate with your soul I want a long term friendship with the possibility of a partnership

Adult movies at home, Oral - receiving, Oral - giving, Mutual Play, Role Playing, Public games, Fun with food and Water sports.

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