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MILF Buddies is a casual dating site for older women (cougars) who love to fuck younger guys

Debbie, 43


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I am not interested in time wasters or committment phobics, life is far too short, a lesson taught to me by my son who was involved in a pretty serious accident last year and nearly lost his life!!. This also taught me to enjoy as much of my life as I can, make work a secondary issue and my family the most important thing, without forgetting my individuality. I am sucessful business owner, I have 2 children - they are both charming!! At 40, I have spent most of my adult life in a serious relationship and was married for about 5 minutes before that. The relationship was about business in the end and was over a long time before we actually broke free, its very liberating when that happens. I just feel that I've done myself a dis-service being with someone who I deeply cared about but forefitting real love and passion. I guess now I am looking for a "real" relationship and although I bang on about life being too short really want to take it slowly and not make another mistake. I am looking for a decisive, sometimes impulsive, a little old fashioned, honest man, who likes to talk, who likes to be quiet, who enjoys a laugh, who enjoys company but also just "us" time. Maybe too much to ask but we'll see. Anyway, if your not interested, then I wish you well in your search for love, if you are (interested that is) I hope to hear from you soon. Enjoy your day
Debbie x OMG - I have just read my profile "ad" back and its no wonder I'm attracting the wrong people!!! It sounds like a cover letter for a job interview. This is a dating web site where we are supposed to find "true love" or our "soulmate"?.... Right? So.... The truth is... I want a real man, I want to be swept off my feet, to feel like the most important part of someones life; I want a courtship that could have been scripted by a "chick-flick" movie maker. I want a romance thats over-the-top, all emcompasing, passionate and exhilarating!!! I want a man who is assertive but not controlling; who knows his own mind, who I don't have to drag along with me; who knows how to have fun. A good-lucking guy who is young at heart, not afraid to feel and and not afraid to show his emotions... I want my man to know how to dress, behave appropriately, have his own money and knows his own mind!! When I said life was too short I meant it.... Soon enough the hum-drum of every day life will be upon us, but we'll always have the good times, the romance and want to make the effort to keep it!!! Do you think thats you???? If so, stop procrastinating and send me an email! If you are all of those things, you've got it coming back to you tenfold - I will make you feel like a king!! You will never be lonely, without passion, love and commitment and I will spend the rest of my days letting you know it!! Debbie xx

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