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MILF Buddies is a casual dating site for older women (cougars) who love to fuck younger guys

Shlley, 53


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PLEASE READ MY PROFILE BEFORE MESSAGING ME ,THANK YOU I'm putting out a world wide web bulletin to get everyone's help. You see, I've lost my smile. I'm not really myself without it. I have a couple leads that give me hope that it may have been found, including a vague description. He appears to be between 35 and 50 years old, but may appear younger than his age. he is caring ,honest, and romantic with a down-to-earth attitude, values, and personality. he loves music, and may be found at live gigs or lives by beach with a relaxing life style . I have conflicting reports that he's either a dark haired or light hair. he's intelligent with his own career and not dependent on someone to support him. If this person can be found, I can offer a reward of long, slow kisses that last for days, midnight massages, someone to wash your back, a shoulder to lean on, someone to cherish you and someone who will hold you at night, plenty of cuddles. If you think you may have found my smile, please message me as I really need it to be myself. Thanks. I DID NOT JOIN THE NSA OR FUCK BUDDY SITE I JOINED A DATING SITE TO DATE GUYS YOUNGER THAN MYSELF . I'M NOT LOOKING TO DATE LOTS AND LOTS I AM LOOKING FOR THAT ONE DATE THAT WILL LAST FOREVER EVENTUALLY :) CAN I PLEASE STRESS I AM NOT LOOKING TO JUMP INTO A RELATIONSHIP IT WOULD TAKE ONE HELL OF A GUY TO MAKE ME WANT TO DO THAT . I'M LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO IS HONEST ,GENUINE ,KIND,ROMANTIC ,LOVING MAN WHO IS A TRUE GENT. WHAT A WOMEN WANTS !!!!!! A Woman doesnt need a perfect man. All she needs is someone she can trust and who wont be cheating on her physically or emotionally behind her back. Every woman needs a man who loves her immensely and will never play games with her heart. And last but not the least she needs a man who is willing to stay in a relationship with her faithfully for the rest of his life. If interested please message me :) Please provide a pic sorry but NO pic No reply :( .........If pic is not of your face again I AM NOT INTERESTED ........Pics of either your chest or penis does not tell me if there is any sexual attraction so it MUST be of your face thanks .....If i don't reply then sorry it means i am NOT interested .

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